Wednesday, October 12

Seattle PI - Gate's Foundation's New Neighbors - SHARE Gates Shelter

The SeattlePI has done a pretty good job of reporting _factual_ news [1]. Though they also seem to miss the part that the 300 people from the 15 closed SHARE Indoor Shelters have to sleep somewhere and choosing to stick together is smart. The indoor shelters must have Metro bus tickets to operate and keep the promises to their neighborhoods.

The City of Seattle (and King County) got SHARE 20K of the 50K SHARE needed for bus tickets in 2011, then this August FEMA changed the internal math they have used for 15 years and cut 100% of SHARE's 42K.

busTicketShortfall := -50 + 20 - 42.

Tent City 3 and Tent City 4 are helping keep the "Demonstrators" from indoor shelters stay safe while they sleep at night and clean up when leave early in the morning. I'll be there tonight.

The Gates Foundation really has not explained how, with the 100 million they say they have committed help this problem locally, they managed to avoid any funding to SHARE, the largest provider of shelter in King County.

aPct := 50000 * 100 / 1000000000 roundTo: 0.0001. "=> 0.005"

[1Gates Foundation's new neighbors: Demonstrators from shuttered homeless shelters

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